Jul 31, 2008

Wall I painted for two sweet kids.

This week I was busy painting a wall for two sweet kids. The parents wish was a lot of animals in minimal surroundings. So I painted a polarbear and two pinguins floating on some ice that washes on shore on a tropical island. They also wanted a dog and an elephant so I had to be creative. LOL.

Jul 24, 2008

Old German shepherd

At the moment I'm working on an old German shepherd called Nanni. She is a 12 year old bitch and very sweet. The challenge is to get her sweet and older look in my painting.

I will post it in stages.

Jul 16, 2008

Some of the work I did this month.

Here is some other work I did this month.

This is a pitbull terrier I did in charcoal. 

This Pug is also in charcoal. He was my first drawing in years. This drawing motivated me to start again.

The whippet I did in watercolours. The eyes are the best part I think.

Jul 14, 2008

Today I finished the white cat with the blue eyes.

Finally! It was a lot of work and still it needs some although I'll call it finished.